Terms & Conditions


Digital Marketing Services In Lucknow Greetings from our website. If you continue to browse and use this website, you agree to abide by the terms of service that accompany it. These terms, in addition to our security policy, govern DigitalColloid’s relationship with you in connection with this website.

Use of this website is subject to the following terms of purpose:

The content on these pages is for your general information and use only. It might alter without warning.
Regarding the accuracy, ideality, execution, completion, or reasonableness of the information and materials found or published on this site for a particular purpose, neither we nor any third parties provide any guarantee or assurance. You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain errors or omissions, and we expressly disclaim all liability for any such errors or omissions to the fullest extent permitted by law.
You use any information or resources on this website completely at your own risk, for which we shall not be held responsible. You will be responsible for ensuring that any products,

Your use of any data or resources on this site is entirely voluntary, despite the obvious risk, and we will not be held liable. It will be your responsibility to ensure that any items, services, or data available through this website satisfy your specific requirements.
This website contains material that we have claimed or authorized. This content includes, but is not limited to, the plan, design, appearance, and graphics. Multiplication is not permitted unless specified in the copyright notice, which is a structural component of these agreements.

All imitation exchange marks on this site that are not the administrator’s property or authorized use are recognized.
Unauthorized use of this site may lead to a prosecution for damages.

This website may occasionally also provide links to other websites. These connections are made to be comfortable for you and to provide more information. They do not imply that the website(s) are underwritten by us. Regarding the content of the linked website(s), we are not liable.
Without prior written consent from DigitalColloid, you are not permitted to link to this website from another website or report.

The laws of India or another administrative authority shall govern your use of this website and any disputes arising from such use.